雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-6 15:54:55

【P 2】Describe a family member that you like to talk with and mostly close to 【p3】在中国一个家庭里面一般居住几代人?在城市和郊区的对比上面来看在居住几代人有没有什么区别 ?你觉得青少年和老年人在生活方式上面有没有什么不同的地方?为什么现在很多家庭会跟老年人住在一起

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-6 15:55:07

成都电子科大,r01,黑人大叔,p2 the goal you want to acheive in the future,p3 parents 和 young children关于goal的一些问题。parents会不会帮孩子选择goal,young children什么时候有自己的goal。

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-7 15:52:32

雅思口语,part1 学习,课程,自行车 part2 近水的地方 part3 用水,游泳 中山301,白人大哥,没有口音,特别耐心,超级温柔,人很好,还帅得一趟糊涂!

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-7 16:10:17

沈师1.9room06 长得像印度人的戴眼镜男考官语速适中比较nice P1.name.major.study.music P2.describe an interesting story from televation. P3.watch TV effect on family relationship.video&textbook.teacher use televation to teach in schoo

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-7 16:12:29

湖北武昌实验中学room11白人大叔,人很好会特意放慢语速但不会和你多寒暄,听不懂的可以让他解释。 p1apartment or house science class p2 happy event in your childhood p3 the thing you kept from your childhood why young people now don't like the traditional things?

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-7 20:20:15

p2 describe a place u visited had been affected by pollution

p1 hometown/history
p2 a long journey u travelled by car
p3 the benefits of owning private cars

p2 your plan if u have one day off

p1 school
p2 a photo of yourself

p1 dance
p2 describe a toy that u received when u were a child

p1 name/hometown
p2 a person whose job is useful to the society

p1 hometown/city
p2 describe a skill
p3 Is it difficult or easy for u to learn anew skill?

p1 house/flatoutside activity
p2 an old person u admire

p2 describe an unforgettable experience

p1 work /house
p2 a decision u took a long time to make

p1 cloth/work
p2 describe a dinner u had with your family

p1 accommodation communication
p2 interesting things in TV

p1 work/major
p2 a person who likes travelling by plane
p3 do Chinese people like to choose comfortable airline orexpensive one?
do u like to work

p2 a job u want to do in the future

p1 outside activity
p2 a piece of clothing that someone gave u

p1 study/work/major
P2 an article u read from magazine ornewspaper about healthy life

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-8 15:59:53

Part1 Hometown Life. Part 2 Person u know on the news. Part3 News accuracy, comparison of past, China intern or extern affair, celebrity on news too much

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-8 16:00:11

天津外院 R1 p1 work or study ,park,time at home p2 first time use foreign language to communicate with someone p3 学外语困难 有用吗 说和读 写会不会很困难

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-8 16:02:02

东南大学422光头男人,凶。P1study or work,like major?different from expected?why someome dislike uniform?P2a cloth someone gave to u P3why people in d countries wear d clothes?weather affect?possible all people wear the same cloth?

雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2016-1-8 16:12:38

上师大 307蛮好看的亚裔姑娘part1住的地方 part2 故事或小说 我讲了电锯惊魂 白眼白了我两分钟 part3侦探小说为什么这么流行 小说拍成电影有哪些要素。
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