admin 发表于 2015-9-5 18:43:51


2015年9月2日、3日、4日国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆最全汇总 请进入 或
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听力Section 1
Question 1 - Question 10
1.Address: 354 Forest Road
2.Telephone number: 0783**
3.Occupation: dentist
4.Earliest time to move in: 1st November
5.Type of house: unfurnished apartment
6.Need to bathrooms and a double bedroom
7.Prefer large balcony
8.Special requirement: need a garden
9.Location should be near the station
10.Other requirements: need a large kitchen and afridge

Section 2
11-16 单选题
11.Why did Jane choose Tuesday’s exhibition?
A. Not many people in Tuesday
B.Free entertainment entry
12. When does the educational-entertain performance starts?
A. Onweekends
B. In every evening
C. On every afternoon
13.What is available for history fans?
A.Famous garden
C.Location of an old city hall building
14.What is different for the distinctive feature for the Cuisine Festival and the tent of big barbecue from last year?
A.Wide range of activities
B. Great musicians
C.International cooks
15.Why do people buy ticket in the library?
A. Cheaper with discount
B.Receive a lovely book in advance
C.More convenient than in the city
16.The interesting part of the exhibit is they offer
A. A display of how locomotive engines work
B. People can have dinner inside the old train cabinet
C. A show of old uniform costumes
17-20 多选题
17-18 Which TWO are included in the family ticket?
B.Educational book for children
C.Free meal on the train
D.Guided tour to the museum
19-20 Which TWO are mentioned about citizens’ vote to the most favourite event in the festival?
A.Unlimited voting age
B.Vote by email
C.Only local people can vote
D.One person can vote several times
E.Voting ends at the midnight of Saturday

Section 3
21-26 配对题(面粉机构造图与零件名称匹配)
23.plate safety shield——B
24.flour outlet——I
25.grain shatter——E
26.chemical compound——J
27-30 单选题
27.What is the problem with the traditional machine?
B. a part is easily damaged
28.What is the advantage of the new incubator?
A. don’t require electricity
B.easy to transport
C.can store medicine
29.Compared with the traditional one, the student aims to improve
B. the quantity of the nuts in process
30.Which power is applied? power
B.fossil fuels
C. Manpower

Section 4
场景: 学术讲座-濒危动物
31-40 句子填空
Recentproblems in Australia
31.several species of frog lost habitat because of human activities
32. birds/spiders 其中之一,不确定
33.single growth crop plant, for example, corn is not beneficial for animals
Human ignore protecting animals is influenced by opinions on support from media
35.concern smaller animals, eg. insects
36.with shock or fear our rivals in terms of food
Reasons for preventing extinction
38.ecosystem need to be complex to keep stable
39.disorders of blood system 阅读Passage 1:
Questions 1-4
Use the information in the passage to match the category (listed A-D) with descriptions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
A Maximiser
B Satisficer
C Both
D Neither ofthem
1.finish transaction when the items match their expectation B the most expensive things when shopping D
3.consider repeatedly until they make final decision A
4. participate in the questionnaire of the author C
Questions 5-9
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1 In boxes 5-9 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
5. With the society’s advancement, more chances make our lives better and happier. False
6. There is difference of findings by different gender classification. Not Given
7. The feeling of loss is greater than that of acquisition. True
8.‘Good enough’ plays a more significant role in pursuing ‘best’ standards of maximiser. False
9. There are certain correlations between the "regret" people and the maximisers. True
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.
10. What is the subject of this passage?
A. regret makes people less happy
B. choices and Well-being
C. an interesting phenomenon
D. advices on shopping
11. Accordingto conclusion of questionnaires, which of the following statement is correct?
A. maximisers are less happy
B. state of being optimistic is important
C. uncertain results are found
D. maximisers tend to cross bottom line
12. The experimental on theater tickets suggested:
A. sales are different according to each season
B. people like to spend on the most expensive items
C. people feel depressed if they spend their vouchers
D. people would regret if they failed to spend on discount sales.
13.What is author’s suggestion on how to increase happiness:
A. focus the final decision
B. be sensitive and smart
C. reduce the choice or option
D. read label carefully Passage 2:
这是一篇关于coyote郊狼从野外到城市里生存的文章,郊狼转战城市的原因是森林面积减少。此狼为食肉动物,适应能力极强,而且在狼逐步灭绝的过程中,郊狼已成为顶端动物。虽天生具有攻击性, 但其实即便居住在城市里对于人类也不会具有攻击性。郊狼攻击人类的原因主要是人类的善意,比如人类想要保护郊狼,看到狼就喂食,而这种对于天性和本能的改变导致郊狼会有仇视,进而产生攻击心理。郊狼在城市里的居住地范围不会占据大面积,有个小块儿隐蔽的地方就可以,但专家不会透露具体地址。郊狼在城市里最大的危险是被撞死。保护郊狼和赶走郊狼是两难境界,但其实人类只要允许这群狼野性地自由成长就不会有大危险。

Passage 3:
这是一篇关于对动物认知能力的研究。很多人认为动物不会像人类一样有认知能力,但有研究者拿一个鹦鹉做研究,发现鹦鹉除了会说语言,还会认数字,也有区别事物的能力。之后探讨动物的creativity ,由于世人觉得狗不能作为研究对象,所以拿鸟做研究,有一种品种为松鸦的鸟, 它的名字叫betty,有着惊人的创造力,她可以根据自己要取食物的需求,找到类似物体。研究方法是做个钩子,让别的鸟偷走betty的钩子,大家以为 betty 会去寻找丢失的钩子,但事实并没有。betty看到一个电线,,然后卷成钩子来获取食物,专家们都表示很惊讶。接下来用鸟做例子,说明其实动物也是有心机的,它们可以根据经验判断谁是敌人,然后做出相应心机举动保护自己。最后用海豚证明动物超强的模仿力。但事实上有些专家还是不认可动物的认知能力,其实是他们的先入为主,所以为了关于动物能力的研究从未停止。 写作
Task 1
The bar chart shows the information about thefavourite subjects of 60 students from two schools, school A and school B.Task 2议论文
Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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