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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2024年5月6月7月8月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html
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2024年5月11日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)回忆1:听力Part 1 挑选礼物题型:填空1. gardening2. gloves3. seeds4. sand5. pump6. blocks7. wood8. puzzle9. countries10. 16.50
Part 2 房价相关
Part 3 调研讨论
Part 4 音乐与儿童题型:填空(31-40)填空31. birth32. changes33. imitate34. move35. websites36. driving37. personality38. social39. shared40. feelings回忆2:阅读Part 1 一种山雀的介绍
Part 2 沙漠化Howdeserts are formedA A desertrefers to a barren section of land, mainly in arid and semi-arid areas, wherethere is almost no precipitation, and the environment is hostile for anycreature to inhabit. Deserts have been classified in a number of ways,generally combining total precipitation, how many days the rainfall occurs,temperature, humidity, and sometimes additional factors. In some places,deserts have clear boundaries marked by rivers, mountains or other landforms,while in other places, there are no clear-cut borders between desert and otherlandscape features.B In aridareas where there is not any covering of vegetation protecting the land, sandand dust storms will frequently take place. This phenomenon often occurs alongthe desert margins instead of within the deserts, where there are already nofiner materials left. When a steady wind starts to blow, fine particles on theopen ground will begin vibrat-ing. As the wind picks up, some of the particlesare lifted into the air. When they fall onto the ground, they hit otherparticles which will then be jerked into the air in their turn, initiating achain reaction.C Therehas been a tremendous deal of publicity on how severe desertification can be,but the academic circle has never agreed on the causes of desertification. Acommon misunderstanding is that a shortage of precipitation causes thedesertification—even the land in some barren areas will soon recover after therain falls. In fact, more often than not, human activities are responsible fordesertification. It might be true that the explo-sion in world population,especially in developing countries, is the primary cause of soil degradationand desertification. Since the population has become denser, the cultiva-tionof crops has gone into progressively drier areas. It’s especially possible forthese regions to go through periods of severe drought, which explains why cropfailures are common. The raising of most crops requires the natural vegetationcover to be removed first; when crop failures occur, extensive tracts of landare devoid of a plant cover and thus susceptible to wind and water erosion. Allthrough the 1990s, dryland areas went through a population growth of 18.5 percent, mostly in severely impoverished develop-ing countries.D Livestockfarming in semi-arid areas accelerates the erosion of soil and becomes one ofthe reasons for advancing desertification. In such areas where the vegetationis domi-nated by grasses, the breeding of livestock is a major economicactivity. Grasses are necessary for anchoring barren topsoil in a dryland area.When a specific field is used to graze an excessive herd, it will experience aloss in vegetation coverage, and the soil will be trampled as well as bepulverised, leaving the topsoil exposed to destructive erosion elements such aswinds and unexpected thunderstorms. For centuries, nomads have grazed theirflocks and herds to any place where pasture can be found, and oases haveoffered chances for a more settled way of living. For some nomads, whereverthey move to, the desert follows.E Treesare of great importance when it comes to maintaining topsoil and slowing downthe wind speed. In many Asian countries, firewood is the chief fuel used forcooking and heating, which has caused uncontrolled clear-cutting of forests indryland ecosystems. When too many trees are cut down, windstorms and duststorms tend to occur.F What’sworse, even political conflicts and wars can also contribute todesertification. To escape from the invading enemies, the refugees will movealtogether into some of the most vulnerable ecosystems on the planet. Theybring along their cultivation traditions, which might not be the right kind ofpractice for their new settlement.G In the20th century, one of the states of America had a large section of farmland thathad turned into desert. Since then, actions have been enforced so that such aphenomenon of desertification will not happen again. To avoid the reoccurringof desertification, people shall find other livelihoods which do not rely ontraditional land uses, are not as demanding on local land and natural resource,but can still generate viable income. Such livelihoods include but are notlimited to dryland aquaculture for the raising of fish, crustaceans andindustrial compounds derived from microalgae, greenhouse agriculture, andactivities that are related to tourism. Another way to prevent the reoccurringof desertification is bringing about economic prospects in the city centres ofdrylands and places outside drylands. Changing the general economic andinstitutional structures that generate new chances for people to supportthemselves would alleviate the current pres-sures accompanying thedesertification processes.H Innowadays society, new technologies are serving as a method to resolve theproblems brought by desertification. Satellites have been utilised toinvestigate the influence that people and livestock have on our planet Earth.Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that alterna-tive technologies are not needed tohelp with the problems and process of desertification. Questions14 - 20ReadingPassage 2 has eight paragraphs, A-H.Whichparagraph contains the following information?Writethe correct letter, A-H, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.NB Youmay use any letter more than once.14.a referenceto the irregular movement of particles15.mentionof a productive land turning into a desert in the 20th century16.typesof deserts17.mentionof technical methods used to tackle the problems of deserts18.theinfluence of migration on desertification19.lackof agreement among the scientists about the causes of desertification20.adescription of the fatal effects of farming practice Questions21 - 26Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?In boxes21-26 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE ifthe statement agrees with the informationFALSE ifthe statement contradicts the informationNOTGIVEN if there is no information on this21.It isdifficult to ascertain where the deserts end in some areas.22.Mediais uninterested in the problems of desertification.23.Themost common cause of desertification is the lack of rainfall.24.Farminganimals in semi-arid areas will increase soil erosion.25.Peoplein Asian countries no longer use firewood as the chief fuel.26.Technologystudying the relationship of people, livestock and desertification has not yetbeen invented.
14-20 匹配题14.D15.E16.F17.I18.A19.H20.G21-26 判断题21.T22.T23.F24.NG25.F26.F
Part 3 记忆相关回忆3:小作文 (表格题)2001到2006年澳大利亚三个地区居住房子的变化百分比。
大作文International community must act immediately to ensure all nations to reduce theirconsumption of fossil fuels. e.g gas and oil. Do you agree or disagree?回忆4:听力Part1 场景:Children’s Presents 一位女士咨询儿童玩具的种类。题型:10道填空题1. 一位女士打电话咨询可以送给5岁以下孩子的玩具种类。(店员上来就介绍了一款climbing frame,要价350元,女士说太贵了,我希望看30元以下的都有啥。)接下来先是几款outdoor toys,第一款是一套gardening设备;2. 这一套中会配备一双为儿童准备的gloves;3. 同时还会自带很多种类的seeds;4. 第二款玩具是一个小巧轻便的塑料桶,孩子们会很喜欢用来装水和sand玩;(但是最后一个昨天卖掉了,没有现货)5. 第三款是一个paddling pool,会自带一个pump供充气用;(但是用的时候需要旁边有人看着)6. 接下来是几组indoor toys,第一款是一组积木blocks;7. 材质并非塑料,而是wood;8. 另一款则是益智游戏一套puzzle;9. 可以教给孩子们关于不同countries的知识;10. 这款玩具的价格是:16.50磅。
Part 2场景:Talk to Greenway Bike Path Volunteers 一位女士介绍一个骑行项目Greenway的相关情况。题型:6道单选题 + 两组五选二的多选题 单选题11. 女士之所以认出了新一批志愿者中的几位,是因为?正确答案:在之前的一次筹款活动中见过他们。 12.Greenway这个项目是多久之前开始的?正确答案:8年之前。(两个干扰信息,15年和3年。先是说,很多人会误以为是15年前,但其实没有那么久,最早是从8年前开始动工的,最晚的一段3年前才完成。) 13.是谁开启这个项目的?正确答案:Greenwaystaff,也就是这个项目自己的员工。 14. 莓果会怎么样?(混淆信息是这么说的:项目在自行车道两边种了很多食用类蔬菜水果,会捐给慈善机构,所以立起牌子提醒路过的人不要随意采摘,但只有一种情况是例外,berries欢迎任何人想摘就摘)正确答案:任何人如果想吃的话都可以免费采摘。 15. 执行安全巡逻safety patrol的志愿者需要做什么?正确答案:穿专门的安全巡逻用工作服。 16. 负责pick up litter也就是清理打扫垃圾的人需要负责什么区域?正确答案:公众区域(public places) 五选二的多选题17-18. 女士介绍说今年的骑行节上会有哪两项活动?正确答案1: 自行车检查(bike checks)正确答案2:粉笔画艺术展(chalk art) 19-20. 有哪两项福利是参与活动的志愿者可以独享的?正确答案1:专属的夜间骑行活动。正确答案2:发一件专属的衣服。
Part 3场景:Value Survey on New Zealand’s house prices一男一女在讨论新西兰一项房价调查的优缺点。题型:5道单选题 + 5道匹配题 单选题 21.Value Survey这家公司测算房屋价格的方式是什么?正确答案:房屋价格与平均收入之间的对比。 22. 在两人看来,这项调查区别于其它类似调查之处在于什么?正确答案:它对比了新西兰不同城市中的房价。 23. 两人认为是什么造成了新西兰的房价较高?正确答案:对土地使用的规则较多。 24. 谈到交通情况两人有什么看法?正确答案:总体缺乏规划。 25. 下次再做调查的话可以选择什么方向?正确答案:对房价变化趋势的预估。 匹配题接下来,两人分别讨论了五位教授对这份调查的批评之处,教授的名字和答案选项都不重要,大家看匹配内容就好:26. 第一位:调查所覆盖的时间(只有一年,太短了)。27. 第二位:对购房人群的贫富标准定义不准确(所以实际买房的人要比评估的更有钱)。28. 第三位:对数据分析的手段方式太过时。29. 第四位:最终的成文写得不够清楚。30. 第五位:里面的调研结束数据对公众不够透明、不好获取。
Part 4 场景:The significance of music on young children关于音乐对小朋友的重要作用。题型:10道填空题31. 有研究表明,婴儿在birth之前就能听到音乐;32. 婴幼儿有时候比成年人更能辨别音乐曲调中的changes;33. 12个月的婴儿会去imitate自己听到的音乐;34. 2岁的孩子听到音乐时会进行很多move动作;35. 孩子们会很喜欢电视或websites上专门为他们制作的节目中的音乐;36. 有时候孩子听的音乐并非来自他们的自主选择,比如有些父母会在用餐或driving时播放自己喜欢的音乐;37. 有研究表明,儿童对音乐的喜好与他们的personality之间并没有什么明确关联;38. 一位研究者认为音乐的一大重要角色是social 功能;39. 这位教授还认为音乐是应当被shared的;40. 父母可以利用音乐来教会其子女们感受不同feelings。回忆5:阅读Passage1场景:关于一种鸟类Great Tit(白脸山雀/大山雀)的介绍。题型:6道判断题 + 7道填空题 判断题1. TRUE   白脸山雀通常年复一年地生活在同一个地方。(也就是说,它们不进行迁徙行为,除非是在特别苦寒的冬天)2. NOT GIVEN   白脸山雀比起其它品种更不容易收到猎食者的伤害。3. TRUE   其它品种的小鸟通常会给白脸山雀让路。(原文题干措辞是give way to great tits,不会这个用法的同学们赶紧学起来)4. FALSE雌鸟身上黑条纹的宽度大于雄鸟。(说反了)5. FALSE随着鸟龄增加,这种鸟的颜色会褪淡。(原文题干用了fade这个词,也跟原文说反了)6. NOT GIVEN这种鸟现在产卵的数量比从前要少。 填空题7. 雌鸟筑巢时,铺底层用的最多的是moss;8. 接下来会使用很多柔软的材料来铺窝,但很少使用feathers;9. 孵蛋期间,雄鸟会为雌鸟提供其食物来源中的one third三分之一;(注意:答案词只有third这一个,题干是one ____ of the female bird’s need for food)10. 幼鸟离巢时可以长到的最大体重是26 grams;11. 幼鸟会在巢中待3 weeks;12. 幼鸟的主要食谱由caterpillars构成;13. 在鸟卵孵化和气候变化之间的imbalance可能会对这个物种产生不良影响。
Passage2场景:关于沙漠化desertification的介绍。题型:7道段落细节信息匹配题 + 6道判断题 段落细节信息匹配题在所有的匹配类型题目中,段落号不重要,人名也不重要,大家重点关注内容哈。14. D   提到了沙漠化的进程不一定是规律的方式。15. E   提到了二十世纪初时有生产力的土地被沙漠化了。16. F   介绍人类的迁徙对沙漠化的影响。17. I    介绍了一种跟踪监控沙漠化的方法。18. A   描述了沙漠的不同种类。19. H   提到了科学家中关于沙漠化的成因还未达成一致。20. G   描述了由于不当农耕行为造成的致命后果。 判断题21. TRUE有一些沙漠的边缘很难分辨。22. TRUE动物的行为对造成土地侵蚀有影响。23. FALSE形成沙漠化的最大原因是缺雨。24. NOT GIVEN西非还有待于从1968年的大旱灾中恢复过来。25. FALSE   媒体对沙漠化这个话题不感兴趣。26. TRUE   还有待于发明一些技术来帮助理解人类、动物与沙漠化之间的彼此关联。
Passage3 场景:How to win the Memory Competition,关于是否有人天生记忆力超群的探讨(这说的不就是写回忆的我咩)。题型:一组七选三的多选题 + 6道填空题 + 5道判断题七选三的多选题27-29. 作者在文中提到了哪三件事需要好记性?正确答案1:重新找到之前去过的地方。正确答案2:进行公众演讲。正确答案3:学习语法规则。 填空题30. 在这项记忆力大赛中,很少有选手能在少于30 seconds的时间里记住一套卡牌的顺序;31. locimethod说的是古希腊一位学者发明的记忆信息的策略;32.Simonides的记忆方法中包括关注视觉细节和spatial information;33. 有synesthesia症状的人群更容易记住各种各样的信息;34.Ericsson实验里的学生一开始只能记住seven digits的数字串;35.Ericsson认为,没有人天生记忆力超群,都是靠采用一些策略加上lots of practice。 判断题36. YES普通人经过训练也能达到参加记忆力测试大赛中选手的水平。37. NO关于人类之所以需要发展出好的记忆力是为了重新找到食物来源地这种说法没有说服力。38. NOT GIVEN逻辑思考能力会由于现如今锻炼得少而退步。39. YES有两个人的研究结果还有待于进一步证实(原文的表述是open to questions)40. NO Ericsson的研究支持了前面这俩人的研究结果。回忆6:小作文:Thetable shows the percentage of people living in different types of dwellings inthree parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.
Task 2International communities should actimmediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fuselfuels, e.g. gas and oil.To whatextent do you agree or disagree?回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:回忆11:回忆12:

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